The Consortium consists of the “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy (MVNIA), the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the University of Malta and the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA).

“Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy (MVNIA)
“Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy (MVNIA) is a key component of the Romanian Intelligence Service. Therefore, we approach the intelligence activity in terms of educating and training future and present intelligence officers, as well as in terms of research and thorough knowledge in the field of intelligence and security. We overcome barriers and shape characters. Our students benefit of both academic training and personal development.
While education in fields supporting intelligence activities – technical, logistics or administrative – can be ensured by other training units, the role of selecting and training future intelligence analysts and case officers goes exclusively to the Academy.
Any high school graduate is welcome to attend one of the two bachelor’s degree programmes Security and Intelligence Studies and Psychology – Intelligence if they want to become an intelligence analyst or a case officer. Those who have a bachelor’s degree have the opportunity of attending the master’s degree programmes Intelligence Analysis or Intelligence and National Security, organized by “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy.
Our university is open to a larger public, as well, through a wide-range of programmes. These include research master’s, doctoral, and postgraduate programmes, designed for the members of the Romanian intelligence and national security community as well as for all those interested in deepening their understanding of national security. Last but not least, the Academy provides constant training programmes for SRI staff, in different areas and lines of activity.

Norwegian University of Science and Technology
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is the primary Norwegian university in engineering and technology. NTNU is, however, a full range university. More than 300 PhD-degrees are awarded yearly, within the fields of technology, science, arts and humanities, social sciences and medicine.
From 1st January 2016, NTNU merged with three regional university colleges, and is Norway’s largest university with about 38,000 students.
NTNU has a broad range of contacts with industry. The annual budget of NTNU is around € 750 million, 25% of which is externally funded. Total R&D expenditures amounts to approx. € 200 million. NTNU is an active participant in the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.
Department of Information Security and Communication Technology is part of the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at NTNU. The department has research in the areas of biometrics, cyber defense, critical infrastructure protection, cryptography, digital forensics, e-health and wellbeing, intelligent transportation systems, internet of things, information security management, malware, quantitative modelling of dependability and performance. The department has 1 bachelor study program (70 students), 1 master study programs (74 + 25 students), 1 civil engineering study program (45 students) and 2 PhD educations. The department, in addition, offers flexible and part-time study programs.
The Department of Information Security and Communication Technology has a long experience in participating in EU projects. EU research projects within the department: EU H2020 (5), EU FP7 (4), EU Cost (1), EDA (1), IARPA Odin Thor (1), NFR FME (1), NFR IKT+ (4), NFR ENERGIX (1), NFR BIA (2), as well as a nationally funded research school, The Research Council of Norway COINS Research School, one public sector PhD and four regional research projects. Funding amounting to MNOK 40 (45% of the department budget). The department hosts and operates NTNU Center for Cyber and Information Security (CCIS).

University of Malta
The University of Malta is the highest teaching institution in Malta. It is publicly funded and is open to all those who have the requisite qualifications. The University’s structures are in line with the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area. Conscious of its public role, the University strives to create courses which are relevant and timely in response to the needs of the country. The supreme governing bodies of the University are the Council and the Senate.
There are some 11,500 students including over 1000 international students (450 are visiting students) from 92 different countries, following full-time or part-time degree and diploma courses, many of them run on the modular or credit system. The University regularly hosts a large number of Erasmus and other exchange students. A basic Foundation Studies Course enables international high school students who have completed their secondary or high school education overseas but who do not have the necessary entry requirements, to qualify for admission to an undergraduate degree course at the University of Malta.

The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), established in 1991 as a school of governance and training of professionals for essential social areas, is a landmark in the Romanian academic setting. Known both nationally and internationally, SNSPA is a state institution of higher education, scientific research and professional academic training offering undergraduate degrees, master’s degrees and doctoral studies. SNSPA trains and develops professional competencies in Political Sciences, Sociology, Administrative Studies, International Relations, Diplomacy, European Studies, Communication Sciences, Psychology, Management, Human Resources, thus contributing to change at national and international level, a change based on democratic values and principles.
SNSPA has proved to be a successful project, being one of the most popular institutions with high school graduates or professionals in different domains who wish to study further.
SNSPA stands out because of its educational commitment with the purpose of finding answers to contemporary issues, at national as well as at regional and global levels.
SNSPA offers numerous study programmes, at all levels and types of academic education, accredited or licensed, the entire structure of the study programmes being compatible with the Bologna Process.
In response to a social necessity that was felt in Romania after 1989, SNSPA was established as a post-graduate programme, following the model of the schools of governance in France, Belgium, Great Britain and USA. Its setting up was determined by the situation Romania was confronted with in the early 90s in terms of the initial/in-service training of specialists in administrative and political sciences, by the need to create expertise in these areas, to train professionals for the public area, while the country was undergoing a restructuring process and acceding to/ under a project of reforming and access to the European and Euro-Atlantic structures.
In its over two decades of existence, SNSPA has trained professionals who due to their level of knowledge contribute to the drawing up and management of public policies in state institutions, to the development of the country’s international affairs, to the organisation and management of business in private companies, to the improvement of communication and to the process of nation or company branding.